Debate 1: "TH should ban cigarettes from the society"
1. Opening Government- Cigarettes is dangerous for all people.
- Cigarettes giving bad influence for our health.
- Cigarettes can make many disease to human and also to earth.
- Cigarettes can make people around unhealthy too.
- People who use cigarettes when he feel stressed is stupid people, because he can find another way to stop his feelings (stress).
2. Opening Opposition
- People can smoke privately, and it will not make air pollution.
- Cigarettes doesn't have an impact if we ban the cigarettes from the society.
- Many people that feel stressed, the use cigarettes to stop their feeling.
- Many people introvert it mean they hard to have a communication with another people, so they just use cigarettes.
3. Closing Government
- Introvert people can do anything besides smoking.
- Cigarettes can bring out the bad effect for the new generation.
4. Closing Opposition
- Air pollution is not only from cigarettes, it can be from the transportation.
- It will be opposite effect if we ban the cigarettes, example: get drunk. And also will be more bad effect, like condition of economy or there will be more criminal act.
From the results of debate, I think the winner is the opposition one, because in my opinion I think that cigarettes can make more money, and if we ban the cigarettes there's will be many bad effect.
Debate 2: "THW ban all pornography"
1. Opening Government
- If we watch it more often, we will want to do more and also want to do it. And it will decrease our intelligent.
- There is a scientist say that the addiction to pornography is more than drugs.
2. Opening Opposition
- Freedom - sexual nights, that should be done since you're mature.
- Positive way - Sexual education. In the other country the pornography content can help us for the sexual education.
3. Closing Government
- Sexual education is different with porn content.
- It can usually by child which is bad.
- Can take another job. If you watch it your brain will be damaged.
- Education in the night way.
4. Closing Opposition
- One of the highest in the world. People will lost their job.
- Porn could make so much money, because now when we want to having job, is hard to get a job.
- If we ban the porn, they will find another way to watch it.
- Some kind of black market too for pornography, but we have to control ourselves.
From the results of debate, I think the winner is the government team. Because there's a correct source like the scientist say .....
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